De-stress the easy way , fidget spinners the simple toy that eases the mind.................Autism, ADHD stuff

If you find your fingers are generally a raw, bloody mess due to your boredom-induced nail-biting, or you're driving your work mates insane from your desk-drumming and pen-clicking, fidget toys might be what you need to stop you "going postal" . Stress balls and desk toys have been around forever, but a recent trend in fidget toys adds a collectible, high quality -- and often expensive -- flair to finding a place to dump your excess energy. There are literally hundreds of designs and sizes to choose from but to make things easy and therefore helping you keeping your stress levels down i will start with the lower priced options and work up...............obviously there are too many to list in a single blog post but you can always take a leisurely browse yourself..............remembering to calmly repeat "Wooosah" everytime you feel the need......... EDC Fidget spinner $3.89 Nice and cheap with a choice of colours. EDC Fidget Spinner metallic ...